Deep Dive, Vitality: Take Back Your Mornings For Better Mental Health

Deep Dive, Vitality: Take Back Your Mornings For Better Mental Health

It’s 7 am, and your eyes open to the musical chimes of your phone alarm going off.  Have you thought about how much your brain might be processing during this rushed awakening from slumber to content onslaught? And the kind of mental gymnastics your brain is already performing?

Creating a morning routine can help you break the unhealthy cycle of distraction and distress that can assault your brain when you start your day with your smartphone. It also allows you to find purpose each morning and start your day with your best interests in mind.

Sample morning routine

Here are six ideas to include in your morning routine. When putting your routine together, try to aim for at least 30 minutes, including waking up, making your bed, and showering, which will likely use up about half of this time.

While these morning chores are part of a valuable routine, the really positive brain work comes from meditation, journaling, and affirmation. Most importantly, you must work with what’s happening around you and with those you share a life with. Remember that a shorter routine is better than no routine.

Wake up at the same time every day

Creating a successful morning routine starts with finding a time at which you can comfortably wake up each day.

Make your bed

The action of checking off something on your to-do list within mere minutes of waking up will set the tone for your day. It not only looks good but also creates a sense of pride and self-confidence.

Drink some lemon water

Drinking water with fresh lemon juice can infuse your body with health-giving phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals, while also helping to instill the habit of drinking more water during your day.

Write in a journal

The idea of writing down your thoughts is much easier than you might think. Try starting with making bullet points and setting a timer for how long you’ll focus on this area. Remember, the journal is only for your eyes, so be straight to the point, don’t edit yourself, and don’t worry about being judged.


Meditation comes in many forms, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t feel like a Yogi Master. To start your new meditation routine, find a quiet, comfortable area where you can sit upright. Then close your eyes, focus your attention on your breathing, and take in the quiet surrounding you. Start small and work up from there.

Exercise your “spirit muscles”

Consider taking your journal and/or meditation time to tune in to God. Write out your prayer requests and your struggles, as well as your thankfulness. As you meditate quietly, let your mind consider all the wonderful things God has created, along with all the positive ways His presence has touched your life or the lives of someone you know. As a Christian, I believe in the awesomeness of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. But I also know that many people hold different, powerful spiritual beliefs. Whatever you want to call your spiritual side, the evidence is overwhelming that those who include spiritual practice in their daily routines feel better about their lives and the world around us.

Practice daily affirmations

Here are a few suggested affirmations that might get you started.

  • I’ve been through hard things before and have survived them. I will survive.
  • I wake up every morning ready for a new day of exciting possibilities.
  • I’ll surround myself with positive people who will help bring out the best in me.
  • I’m grateful to be alive. It’s my joy and pleasure to live another wonderful day.
  • Today is a good day for a good day

Article copyright 2022 by Alive Publishing Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Photo by George Dolgikh:

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