More Ways To Save
Download our free APP in your app store for special deals every month, to shop online and more. In-store deals include savings of 10% more off the everyday discounted price on specific products.

Sign up for our emails to receive special coupons, including our "orange card," as well as health information and store updates.
Save 5% more off our everyday discounted price on your vitamin/ herb purchase. Some restrictions apply. See full details in our APP or in your email Inbox.
Join us on the Tuesday in the week before the week of our Wellness Wednesday for our new special savings day, Terrific Tuesday. We're celebrating our 30 years in business this 2023.
Join us and save even more off the everyday discounted price on select Betsy's Basics products on your in-store or over-the-phone purchase. Plus, get your special coupon for use at your next visit.
See our EVENTS page for dates. Check out your email inbox the evening before and APP Deals tab the day of for full details.
On the third Wednesday of every month, we thank YOU for taking us to heart with special, in-store one-day-only sales. We also give you a coupon for use at your next visit. Join us for specials and other surprises.
See our EVENTS page for dates. Check out your email inbox the evening before and APP Deals tab the day of for full details.
On the last Saturday of every month, we thank YOU for taking us to heart with special, in-store one-day-only sales. We also give you a coupon for use at your next visit. Join us for specials and other surprises.
See our EVENTS page for dates. Check out your email inbox the evening before and APP Deals tab the day of for full details.