Save Our Supplements

Save Our Supplements



Let’s not try to fix what isn’t broken. In this podcast, Betsy and Ramona Billingslea of Betsy’s Health Foods discuss the latest threat to our supplements, S. 4090 and Senator Durbin’s rider added to the 400-page Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) that must be reauthorized this September 2022. We discuss the particulars of these legislative actions, why Dietary Supplement Health Education Act (DSHEA) works and doesn’t need fixed, and the grass roots effort in the early 1990s that helped bring DSHEA into existence.

DSHEA defines supplements as food, which is why we can sell them and why we are always adding the disclaimer that supplements don’t cure, prevent or treat any illness. DSHEA provides the FDA with the oversight to monitor supplement manufacturing, approve certain structure/function and limited health claims, and more. 

The proof of DSHEA’s efficacy is in action. Supplements have by far the lowest Adverse Event Reporting. Our AERs are less than a percent of all AERs reported (including reports from actual drugs). Your own faith in the supplements products you take, as well as your experience in their efficacy also prove that DSHEA effectively monitors the supplement industry.

Though S. 4090 and the policy added to PDUFA may seem harmless or even sound like a decent idea, they actually make way for the FDA to overreach, deciding that your supplements are drugs just because a drug company may have investigated the possibility of using the supplement as a drug. . . 40 years ago. 

We hope you find this podcast an informative introduction into the current controversy concerning supplements. We want the power of choice to be where it belongs, in your hands. We want you to know that coming together, we can defeat this bad policy. Keep posted through our email and on our website. Our home page includes a section titled ACTION ALERT–SAVE OUR SUPPLEMENTS! We’re working to keep that section as up-to-date as possible so you have the tools you need to act.

Thank you for your support all these years. We thank you in advance for joining us in this fight to yet again save our supplements.


Betsy and Ramona

Take Action Now. Click HERE.

BetsyHealth Note: This article is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease. Consult your healthcare provider before trying a supplement, especially if you have a medical condition, including being pregnant or nursing, take prescription or over-the-counter medications, or are planning on having surgery.

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